
6月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Sleeping Beauty

"She sleeps and sleeps and sleeps" (P.11) Today I read "Sleeping Beauty". As you all know, this is the story of Disney. One day, Beautiful Princess Aurora puts one hand on the spindle, and she fell deep asleep forever. But Prince appeared, and she woke up by his kiss. This story is really interesting, so please read. Vocabulary spindle: 紡錘 Penguin Kids Disney: Level 1 Sleeping Beauty 著者 : Caroline Laidlaw Pearson Japan 発売日 : 2012-02-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

My Week

This week I have a lot of things to do as usual. I have to prepare for my solo presentation and mini test, do a part time job, go to dentist, clean my room and go to driving school. I wonder why I'm busy every week like this. I want a holiday and enjoy it without doing anything. maybe, I need to have a rest to relax. Otherwise, I can't sleep enough.


Today I visited the LLC. I was surprised because I saw a lot of DVDs there. there are movies that I really wanted to watch. For example, "ONCE UPON A TIME", "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Alice in Wonderland". And I was so excited because there are my favorite movies too. I want to watch them quickly!! I have a Netflix subscription now, so I can watch a lot of foreign movies whenever I want to, but I cannot watch some movies nothing on Netflix.

My Week

I think I will be busy this week because I have some plans to do after school. I'm going to take a explanation for studying abroad and go to driving school. And I also have a part time job. These days, I'm really busy. I feel I became busier than when I was a high school student.

The Gingerbread Man

"My, what a tasty treat!" (P.16) Today, I read The Gingerbread Man. It was interesting but little weird. I'm sorry for an old woman who baked a gingerbread man. The Gingerbread Man (Folk & Fairy Tale Easy Readers) 著者 : Violet Findley Scholastic 発売日 : 2006-01-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

"Wait for my brother. He is bigger and much more delicious than I!" cried Little Billy. (P.7) Today I read "The three Billy Goats Gruff". There are three goat brothers. All their names ware Billy. When Little Billy was cross the bridge, a mean troll tried to eat him. But, he said like that to troll. To be honest, I was very surprised. I didn't understand why he will sacrifice his actual brother. But now, I'm so relief that Big Billy was strong.                                                Vocabulary   grass:(家畜が食べるような歯の細い)草、牧草、イネ科に属する草、アスパラガス、芝生、草地、草原、牧草地 Folk & Fairy Tale Easy Readers: The Three Billy Goats Gruff (English Edition) 著者 : Scholastic Teaching Resources Scholastic Teaching Resources 発売日 : 2006-03-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

My Week

I'm going to start to go to driving school from Wednesday. I decided to get driving license by summer vacation. I'm looking forward to driving car by myself. After I got a driving license, I want to go somewhere far away such as Fukuoka with friends. By the way, these days, I watch TV dram called "Stranger Things". It's a really exciting drama, I think. I accidentally stayed up late because of it.